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  • avamartinez2005

Compare and Contrast AICE Fargo Question


Overall my notes are generally statements and convey cause and effect relationships based on how the different parts of a media piece can affect what is happening. The notes from the candidate scored exam are mostly observations about what is actually happening. Both of our notes contain a decent amount of information on the sound. The candidate example response contain a lot more information about the camerawork. My notes about mise-en-scene are explaining what the setting might be, but the candidate example response's notes on mise-en-scene are explaining what the scene actually looks like.


Overall my write-up was giving a back to back account of what is happening with the different parts of the media piece, and explaining how they were affecting the piece. The write-up from the candidate scored exam first gave a summary of the media piece. The candidate response then started to tell general observations that explain what is happening in the piece. The candidate response used better terminology in the final write-up. My write-up had some present ideas, but might have strayed off topic. The candidate response also gave a summary, which my write-up did not have.

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