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  • avamartinez2005

Critical Reflection: Question 1

1 paragraph: how does your product use or challenge conventions

- My product uses conventions in the way it is organized, the information that it will give, and the way it will be distributed. My product is regularly organized in a way that provides the information I will, give in order. For example, for my product one of the first article ideas given is maximizing a home-workout, followed by tools to do the workout with, then stretching that is supposed to happen after a workout, etc. My product will uses conventions by giving standard information. For example, with my topics, I will not make the topics hard to understand or super controversial, it will be instead information that is supposed to be helpful and provide knowledge to someone who does not know about fitness or wants to further deepen their knowledge. My product will also use conventions in the way that it is distributed. So my product will most likely be distributed by print, like how a good portion of a lot of magazines are distributed.

1 paragraph: how does your product represent social groups or issues

- My product represents social groups by appealing to older adolescents. Since exercising is a big part in good health, it is important to exercise when a person is younger to then maintain that health when they are older by watching their diet. My product contains a good deal about information to help with exercising and how to improve it. So, older adolescents might be more drawn to a fitness magazine than younger children or middle-aged people because that age it the best age to start maintaining a good health by starting to exercise. It might also appeal to older adolescents because usually at that age is when people start to pay more attention to physical appearances.

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