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  • avamartinez2005

Practice Candidate Response 1 : Fargo

The text starts off with a scene that gives off a seventies or eighties time period look, because the interior decoration and style of the house looks slightly retro. The scene then changes by the wife going down into the basement, while being slightly annoyed, which could be foreshadowing to something bad that might happen because a lot of times bad things happen in the basement. When they test the washing machine, the combination of the elevating of the music and the malfunctioning of the washing machine gives off a suspenseful mood. The camera angle then zooms in n the wife and husband's faces as they start arguing. With the camera angle being close-up, the mood becomes more serious. Then, the camera angle zooms out a little, now showing the hammer in more shots, and having the husband's attention refocused on the hammer. This is giving us a feeling that something bad is about to happen, and the hammer is most likely to be involved somehow. As soon as the husband hits the wife with the hammer, the music elevates drastically, and stays elevated as the husband repeatedly hits the wife. This elevation in music creates an ominous mood. As the husband realizes what he did, the music continues staying elevated to keep the ominous mood because the husband committed an act of murder and could easily get in trouble for that. The music then elevates again when the man grabs the gun, possibly foreshadowing that he will do something bad again.

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